
SM52 TransferMagic jacket

Press Parts
(Code: PP1338)
SM52 TransferMagic Transfer jacket
£ 292.95(351.54 €)
  1. Our TransferMagic Jackets are a high quality alternative to the original metal chrome jackets used on the transfer cylinder.
    Heidelberg equivalent: G2.215.105N
  2. Packing
    Metal Transfer jackets are made to OEM thickness so can be packed using blanket packing sheets in the same way.
    The correct height is when the gap between the surface & the storage drum is 0.2mm more than the thickest material to be printed.

    Maintenance -
    For longest product life inspect daily, if clean leave alone; else;
    1. Use only a mild water based/miscible press wash diluted 50% with water, any stronger chemicals will damage the surface of the jacket.
    2. Use an absorbent lint free cleaning cloth or a good quality cotton shop cloth.
    3. Moisten above cleaning cloth with diluted solution, using uniform light pressure to remove wet ink.
    4. DO NOT use metal scrappers or brushes for cleaning